Title: A Flipped Classroom Extending Learning Opportunities From Classroom into the Real World.
Presenter: Dr. Karen Lynne-Daniels Ivy
Date: 11/5/15
TLC Track: Online Teaching & Learning Research
Synopsis: This presentation examines the flipped classroom approach in higher education and its use in online courses to bridge learning opportunities from the classroom into the real world. While “Digital Natives”, a term associated with millennials, are fluent in the digital language of computers, video games and the Internet, higher education must use emerging technologies to deliver instruction matched to the learning styles of millennial and all current students. To address these new approaches, educators must offer deliberate and meaningful learning experiences and opportunities where students can see the connections between new material and real world applications. The presentation will explore opportunities for enhancements beyond limitations of the traditional online course room. The research base of the new Real-World Learning Theoretical Framework created by Dr. Ivy will be explored along with practical methods for applying the Flipped Model Real World (FMRW) instruction in your online course room.
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